Why is my 12 year old son addicted to his diapers?

+1 vote
asked Aug 4, 2022 in ABDL by Gloryb (11,030 points)
Why is my 12 year old son addicted to his diapers?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 10, 2022 by Diaperboy1988 (4,500 points)
Your 12 year old son is addicted to wearing diapers because your 12 year old son finds the diapers comfortable and possibly sexually stimulating.

Wet diapers are even better and they turn me on so your 12 year old is likely turned on by the diapers as well or it could be that your 12 year old just loves the feeling of wearing diapers.

There's lots of kids out there and adults and teens that love to wear diapers and it's a good thing to be addicted too.

You should allow your 12 year old son to wear diapers when they want as it's not hurting anyone and even buy diapers for them as well.

If my child asks to wear diapers to play around the house and yard I would let him.

I would buy my child diapers and put the child in diapers and when it's warm or hot out they could wear just the diaper or diaper shirt and shoes and play around the yard or house that way.

Diapers and a shirt and shoes or just a diaper or diaper and shirt are awesome to wear like that in the summer or in the house when it's warm.

If your parents put you in a diaper then they are expecting you to use the diaper for peeing in at least or even pooping.

If your parents put you in a diaper you're gonna most likely enjoy the feeling of the diaper and would prefer to wear the diaper instead of regular underwear.

Diapers feel even better when they are wet.

If your parents put you in a diaper then it's either because you're incontinent, bed wetting, wetting your pants or they are diaper punishing you for something you've done.

You might need time to get used to wearing the diaper especially if the diaper is a thick plastic back diaper which can sometimes be hard to walk in especially when they get full but they are awesome to wear.

I've had a parent put a diaper on me.

I remember when I was 6 years old I was with my parents visiting my aunt and uncle and staying at their house.

And before I went to sleep my mom laid me out on the floor and had a thick pampers plastic backed diaper ready and some baby powder.

She said that since I wet the bed I would need to wear a diaper while at my aunts house.

So she pulled my pants off and then wiped me up and then diapered me right in front of my aunt and uncle and my brother as well.

I felt embarrassed but quickly got over it.

My mom then left me in just my diaper and shirt and socks for the night.

Then the next morning I asked for my pants but she said they were in the washing machine and that my other clothes were out in the car and she was not unpacking them.

So for the morning I was wearing just my diaper, shirt and socks.

Then when evening came around and we were getting ready to leave she just put my pants in a bag and took them with her.

I asked her about my pants but she said that it would be okay to just be in my diaper.

She kept me in a diaper for the road trip back home which was around 10 hours.

So I rode the entire road trip wearing just my diaper, shirt and socks and shoes and she changed my diaper a few times outside on a picnic table at a rest area.

I'm glad she kept me in diapers on the road trip though as it meant I didn't have to hold my pee in.

I still wear diapers on road trips now as well and I would always diaper my own kids in diapers so they would not have to use the toilet or hold it.

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