Hi Chad, it's not letting me post any pictures.

+1 vote
asked Aug 2, 2022 in Answerpail by paratom (9,090 points)
It's not letting me post any pictures, I can choose my files for the pictures but won't let me download lol

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2022 by Diaperboy1988 (4,500 points)
I'm having the same problem.

Was wondering if it was just my computer or what.

Glad it's not only me.

When I go to upload a picture or pictures it acts like it's uploading and then it fails to upload.

I have some pictures I would love to upload but can't.

Will check back later to see if it gets resolved.
0 votes
answered Aug 3, 2022 by chad (14,670 points)
Sorry about you not being able to post pictures on imgvek.com

The reason is I had to temporarily disable uploads due to a server issue to prevent the server from crashing.

I'm investigating a problem with the disk usage of the server that was causing high loads on the server.

To prevent a possible server crash I had to temporarily disable the uploads.

I'm also gonna be setting up another server for images to be uploaded to so when you upload pictures the other server will then save the pictures which will also help prevent the current server from crashing and it should also fix the other issues with the other types of picture files being uploaded.

I'm hoping to have it fixed in the next week or or so.

Sorry for the inconvenience and I hated to have to stop uploads for a bit.

So for everyone who tries to upload they will get that error but downloads should still be available and you should still be able to view current pictures.

I've been busy and will still be busy with some offline stuff so it may be a bit until I get it completely fixed.

Uploading on imgvek.com should resume hopefully within a week or two or at the latest by September.
0 votes
answered Aug 6, 2022 by chad (14,670 points)
Just an update.

I have fixed the problem with the disk usage and server load and have re enabled uploads in imgvek.com for now.

I'll keep an eye on the server and if I need too I will disable the uploads again.

But for now you can upload pictures again to imgvek.com

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