Which food is good for eyes?

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asked Jul 18, 2022 in Eye Health by byuipcepts (960 points)
Which food is good for eyes?

3 Answers

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answered Jul 24, 2022 by Kledolock (6,300 points)
Food that is good for eyes are oysters, salmon, red peppers, kale, carrots, apples, cabbage, eggs.

Apples are very good for your eyesight and making your eyes stronger because apples contain flavonoid compounds and antioxidant phytonutrients which reduce the effect of free radicals on eyes and prevent many eye diseases.

Cabbage is also good for your eyes as cabbage contains Vitamin A and Vitamin A helps keep your eyes healthy and improve vision.

Purple cabbage is even better and more rich in Vitamin A which healthier for your eyesight.

The Vitamin A in cabbage also reduces the risk of macular degeneration and cataract.

The nutrients in the cabbage vegetable keep the eyes healthy even during old age.

Eggs are also very healthy for the eyes and eating eggs can help maintain and improve your eyesight.

Eggs are good for eyes as they contain vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc, which are all vital to eye health. Vitamin A safeguards the cornea.

Carrots are also good for your eyes.

Green Tea is also good for your eyes and good for Glaucoma as it contains powerful antioxidant and disease fighting properties which penetrate into tissues of the eye.

Green tea is packed with powerful eye-healthy nutrients like a flavonoid called gallocatechin which collects in the retina and helps protect it from harmful blue light.

Zeaxanthin and lutein, two other important antioxidants for the eye, can also be found in small amounts in green tea.

The early stages of glaucoma include.

Loss of peripheral or side vision: This is usually the first sign of glaucoma.
Seeing halos around lights: If you see rainbow-colored circles around lights or are unusually sensitive to light, it could be a sign of glaucoma.
Vision loss: Especially if it happens suddenly.

The beginning of glaucoma can also feel like.

Severe throbbing eye pain. Eye redness. Headaches (on the same side as the affected eye) Blurry or foggy vision.

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, the health of which is vital for good vision.

This damage is often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye.

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness for people over the age of 60.

Glaucoma cannot be cured, however you can stop it from progressing.

It usually develops slowly and can take 15 years for untreated early-onset glaucoma to develop into blindness.

However, if the pressure in the eye is high, the disease is likely to develop more rapidly.

With all types of glaucoma, the nerve connecting the eye to the brain is damaged, usually due to high eye pressure.

The most common type of glaucoma (open-angle glaucoma) often has no symptoms other than slow vision loss.

Angle-closure glaucoma, although rare, is a medical emergency and its symptoms include eye pain with nausea and sudden visual disturbance.

Treatment for glaucoma includes eye drops, medications, and surgery.

Some evidence suggests that a high intake of vitamin B through dietary sources, including green leafy vegetables, may reduce the risk of some types of glaucoma.

Some foods you should avoid when you have Glaucoma include.

Caffeine. Some studies suggest caffeine increases intraocular pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure.
Saturated Fats.
Trans Fats.
Scuba Diving.
Bungee Jumping.
0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2022 by Edward Wong (4,820 points)
Carrots, pumpkins and other yellow-orange vegetables. They got their color due to the content of a large amount of beta-carotene.
Sea fish.
Eggs, broccoli, cabbage, and other green leafy vegetables are foods high in lutein.
Buckwheat and oatmeal.
0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2022 by Don Lawrence (5,470 points)
edited Jul 24, 2022 by Don Lawrence

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