What should AC humidity be set at?

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asked Jul 7, 2022 in Other-Home/Garden by Idigit4 (1,040 points)
What should AC humidity be set at?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 11, 2022 by Kledolock (6,300 points)
AC humidity should be set at 30% to 50%.

During the summer months, the average humidity should weigh in between 30-45 percent (below the 50% mark).

Winter may require lower than 40% relative humidity to avoid condensation on your windows.

If your AC has an energy saving mode then the energy saving mode is best to set your AC to too save electricity.

If not then it's best to raise the temperature on your thermostat for the AC so the AC does not run as much which means it will save electricity.

When you're away from home it's best to raise the thermostat so the AC does not run as much and then turn the thermostat down when you get home.

To humidify a room with air conditioning at night add a few bowls of water in the room and overnight the water will gradually evaporate into the air and add humidity to the air.

You can also use a humidifier or vaporizer in your room at night while the air conditioner is running to increase the humidity in your room while the AC keeps the room cool.

The fan mode on the AC does not bring in outside air but using the fan mode on the AC will circulate the inside air in the room or home the AC is in.

A window AC pulls air in from the room.

The window AC takes the air in the room and sucks it into the coil in front and then it cools the air, expels hot air out the back of the AC at the rear coil and then sends the cool air into the room.

The air passes through the air filter on the window AC to remove particles.

The air then passes through the evaporator (cooling) coil to cool the air.

The air is then pushed out of the air register on the front of the AC, back inside the room.

The mode in AC that consumes less electricity is the fan mode or the dry mode.

With dry mode or fan mode the AC consumes electricity although it does not cool the air.

To cool the air you want to use the AC mode although it will use more electricity.

Running the AC fan only will not reduce humidity as it will just circulate air.

If your AC has a dry mode however the dry mode on the AC will reduce humidity without cooling the room.

You can also buy a separate dehumidifier which will also remove and reduce humidity without cooling the room.

You can use dry mode in winter as it will remove the humidity and does not cool the room.

So if you simply need to remove humidity in the winter then dry mode on the AC will work.

Window AC units can make the air dry as they remove humidity both on the cool setting and the dry mode setting.

A window AC does dry the air.

Window AC units and even central AC units not only cool the air but also dry the air out by removing humidity which also helps to cool the room or home down.

When you see water dripping out the back of your window AC that is humidity that is being removed from the room or home.

Dry mode on your AC can help with Mold as the dry mode on the AC helps remove humidity and humidity is a cause of mold in your home.

Some window AC units also have a dry mode that is used to simply remove the humidity from the home or room but does not cool the room or home.

Even when the AC is on cool mode it helps prevent mold as the AC removes the humidity as well as cools the room.

When an AC is in dry mode it uses around 40 to 50 percent less electricity than it would in cool mode.

The amount of electricity the AC uses in dry mode depends on the wattage of the AC.

If your AC is 600 watts then in dry mode it may only use 200 to 250 watts of electricity and sometimes less in dry mode.

You can use dry mode on your AC all day although it's not recommended to use dry mode on the AC more than 2 hours per day or it could dry the air out too much.

The difference between cool and dry mode in AC is that cool mode on the AC works to cool the air and also remove humidity from the room.

While the dry mode just removes humidity from the room but does not cool the room.

When you see the water dripping from the back of the AC it's the humidity in the room that is being removed from the home or room.

Dry mode on your AC is good for health as it removes humidity as when you have high humidity in your home the high humidity can be bad for your health.

High humidity can lead to negative health effects as many types of harmful bacteria and viruses thrive in humid environments.

Air con dry mode means a healthy home and a healthy family.

It's a fact: dehumidification keeps indoor air at its optimum humidity level, which helps you and your family breathe easier.

The AC mode that is best in summer is cool mode.

During summer you want to use the cool mode on your AC so that the AC will cool the room and remove heat and humidity from the room or home.

When the weather is cooler but humid then you want to use the dry mode which makes the AC into a dehumidifier to remove moisture and humidity but not cool the room.

Dry mode does not cool a room but instead the dry mode dehumidifies the room.

When you turn your AC on to dry mode it turns the AC into a dehumidifier but does not cool the room.

If you want to cool the room it should be on cool mode where it will cool and dehumidify the room.

Dry mode is cheaper than cool mode on your AC but dry mode does not cool the room.

Dry mode only removes humidity from the room and does not cool the room so if you want a cool room when it's hot out you must use cool mode.

AC dry mode is basically a setting that allows the air conditioner to operate as a dehumidifier to pull moisture and humidity out of the air.

Dry mode on AC is meant to be used when conditions are humid but the temperature is not hot.

When the AC is on dry mode it will only dehumidify and not cool the room.

If you just need humidity removed from the room then using AC dry mode can help and save you money.

However if it's hot out you want the AC to be on cooling to remove both humidity and cool the room.

Essentially, the purpose of the “dry” function mode is to reduce the excess humidity or moisture in the air, and the cooling effect comes from the removal of that excess moisture.

It works similarly to the cooling mode, but detects temperature differently.

Dry mode is intended to be used when the conditions are humid and temperatures are not hot.

It's for those days where the weather has a tropical feel and just a little too cool to use cooling mode.

An example of this would be those days when it's been raining, or about to rain and the humidity is high.

Dry mode will not remove 100% of the moisture in the air.

Instead, it will help lower the humidity to a healthy level.

However, it's recommended not to run your AC on dry mode for more than 1-2 hours at a time to avoid drying the air too much.

Thanks to the low fan speed and shorter duration of compressor operation, the AC dry mode also saves electricity significantly unlike a full-powered dehumidifier which completely dehumidifies a room but consumes a lot of power in return.

Using air conditioners on dry mode, hence, can save you up to 30-50% of energy.

The dry mode on AC is only effective in cooler weather so don't try to use it when it's a boiling hot summer's day.

On those days, you should rather opt for the cooling mode setting on your air conditioner.

If you are looking at switching to dry mode in your car, it is ideal for when you want to defog your windscreens internally.

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