How many solar batteries are needed to power a house?

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asked Jul 7, 2022 in Green Living by yankysix (860 points)
How many solar batteries are needed to power a house?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 7, 2022 by Wenja921 (29,960 points)
To power a house with solar you need at least 38 batteries.

Although you may get by on less than 38 batteries for your solar panel system it's best to have at least 38 batteries to ensure you have enough power.

Solar batteries will hold their charge for around 10 years if left unused.

However it's best to use the power from the solar batteries which can help keep the batteries in good shape.

Most solar batteries need replaced within 10 years or they can stop charging as effectively.

Solar batteries take between 5 to 8 hours to fully charge depending on how depleted they are.

If the solar batteries are only half depleted and the sun is shining bright then the solar batteries may charge in as little as 1 to 2 hours.

If the solar batteries are completely drained then the solar batteries may need around 8 hours to 10 hours to charge fully.

Solar batteries are very effective as they store power from the sun for use later.

When you have solar you want solar batteries so that the batteries can store the unused power for later when you need it.

It's best to use lithium solar batteries or at least deep cycle batteries that are designed to be constantly charged and depleted.

A lithium solar battery should last around 10 years or at least 10,000 cycles.

The lithium solar batteries are worth the cost as the lithium solar batteries outperform the competition when it comes to storing energy for a solar system.

They're more efficient, charge faster, require no maintenance, and last substantially longer.

The efficiency comes from the very low internal resistance that allows the batteries to charge with minimal loss.

Solar panels will save you money on your electric bills.

However it can take around 8 years for the solar panels to begin paying for themselves but eventually you'll be saving money and not having to spend that money on electricity and with solar panels your electric is free from the sun once the solar panels been in use for awhile.

Your electric rates cannot go up and in the event of a power outage you still have power.

For solar panels to pay for themselves it takes on average of 8 years although it may take as long as 10 years for solar panels to pay for themselves.

However if your in an area with really high electric rates then the solar panels and solar panel system may pay for itself in as little as 5 to 6 years.

Solar panels do work with ice on them as ice is clear and lets sunlight pass through.

However the solar panels tend to work much better without ice but if ice is on the solar panels your solar panels should still work and charge the batteries.

However if snow is on the solar panels the snow will block the sunlight and the solar panels will not work so you have to sweep off and remove snow from the solar panels for them to work.

Solar panels do not charge batteries at night.

To work the solar panels need sunlight or at least some daylight for the solar panels to convert the light or sunlight into electricity.

At night the light is gone so the solar panels stop charging but the next day when the daylight or sunlight is out the solar panels begin charging the batteries again.

Solar panels do however work even when it's cloudy out but they don't charge as fast as they do when it's really sunny out.

Solar panels do not work at night as they require sunlight to work.

However when it's cloudy and there's at least some daylight the solar panels will still work.

But once it becomes dark for the night the solar panels stop charging but the power stored in the batteries can still be used but they won't charge until the daylight or sunlight comes out.

Solar panels when installed correctly on your roof do not damage your roof.

Solar panels installed on your roof can usually make your roof last longer as it protects the shingles from the elements.

However if not installed correctly then the solar panels may damage or ruin your roof.

Solar panels can and do sometimes catch fire but it's rare for solar panels to catch fire.

Solar panels may catch fire due to shorting out through the wiring or by a defect in the solar panel.

Although most solar panels are safe when installed correctly and many solar panels operate just fine and safely without any fires.

Solar panels don't always affect your house insurance unless you want to increase your insurance coverage to cover the cost of the replacement of the solar panels and system should you need too in case something happens to them.

Simply installing the solar panels on your house or near your house won't and should not change or affect your house or homeowners insurance.

PV on a meter box means Photovoltaic which means that the meter is connected with solar panels and usually has solar power feeding backwards into the power grid depending on how it's set up.

Sometimes solar panels are set up to where they will feed excess solar energy back through the meter and then the customer of the electric utility gets credited.

PV on a solar charger stands for Photovoltaic.

Photovoltaics is the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, a phenomenon studied in physics, photochemistry, and electrochemistry.

The photovoltaic effect is commercially utilized for electricity generation and as photosensors.

Another name for a solar panel is photovoltaic cell or solar collector.

A photovoltaic cell (PV cell) is a specialized semiconductor diode that converts visible light into direct current (DC).

Some PV cells can also convert infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiation into DC electricity.

Most solar panels last between 20 to 25 years before they need replaced.

Some solar panels may even last as long as 30 years but the average lifespan of a solar panel is 20 to 25 years which is pretty good.

Solar panels are a good investment especially in areas where electric rates are high.

Although you need to purchase the solar panels, batteries and inverters they are a good investment and can save you money on your electric bill.

Also when the power is out such as due to a storm etc you can still have electricity as long as the sun is shining and you have enough charge in your batteries.

To run a house off of solar panels you would need between 20 to 24 solar panels.

However smaller houses with less electricity usage may get by with around 10 to 15 solar panels but it's always good to have more solar panels than needed to provide you with plenty of electricity.

Solar and wind power can power at least 85 percent of Americas energy needs.

However there's not enough solar or wind power available to provide all of America with electricity so we still need some coal, natural gas, nuclear power plants etc to provide some of the electricity that we use.

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