How do you detox your body from mold?

+1 vote
asked Mar 15, 2018 in Other- Health by Bunny Rabbit (360 points)
How do you detox your body from mold?

When you've been exposed to mold how can you detox your body from the mold?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 16, 2018 by Judy (56,120 points)
A good way of detoxing your body from mold exposure is by buying and taking some activated charcoal supplements.

It won't detox your body from the mold exposure overnight but overtime your body will be detoxed from the mold if you continue to take the activated charcoal supplements daily.

Be sure to remove any black mold from your home as soon as you notice it. If you're uncomfortable removing the black mold from your home yourself then there's professionals that will rid your home of black mold for you.

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