Do silent dog whistles work?

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asked Jul 4, 2022 in Dogs by Egsbendict (23,910 points)
Do silent dog whistles work?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 9, 2022 by Crazytoaster (38,530 points)
Silent dog whistles do work although some dogs get used to them and don't respond to them.

While you cannot hear the silent dog whistle the dog can hear the silent dog whistle.

Human ears and dogs ears hear at different frequencies.

So while we as humans cannot hear the dog whistle the dogs can hear the dog whistles as dogs have better hearing than humans.

A dog whistle can be a great training tool for a dog, if used properly. It is extremely distinct, silent to others, and the high frequency cannot be easily replicated.

As a result, hunting, herding, and police dogs are commonly trained using a whistle.

The sound the dog whistle emits when you blow into it comes from what is known as the ultrasonic range, a pitch that is so high humans can't hear it.

Dogs can hear these sounds, however, as can cats and other animals.

Because of this, the dog whistle is a favored training tool, though it may not be for every dog owner.

To human ears, a dog whistle makes only a quiet hissing sound.

The advantage of the dog whistle is that it doesn't produce a loud irritating noise for humans that a normal whistle would produce, so it can be used to train or command animals without disturbing nearby people.

The dog whistle was invented in 1876 by Francis Galton and is mentioned in his book Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, in which he describes experiments to test the range of frequencies that could be heard by various animals, such as a house cat.

 A dog whistle won't harm your dog when used properly.

Read the manufacturer information carefully and speak with your veterinarian about any questions you have.

Because dogs hear at a much higher frequency than humans, they're naturally more sensitive to sounds.

Some dogs that are deaf may hear and react to a dog whistle, and this is not uncommon. While most deaf dogs are unable to hear, they can nevertheless detect a certain frequency.

With more than 30 distinct frequencies, dog whistles are available.

Also cats can hear a dog whistle because, like dogs, they're also able to hear ultrasonic sounds.

Dog whistles have a frequency between 23 to 54 kHz and cats can hear ultrasonic frequencies up to 79 kHZ- well within the range of a standard dog whistle.

Dogs have sensitive hearing and a whistle with a sharp or ultrasonic tone can be effective in shutting down a dog that's engaging in aggressive behavior.

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