Why are dogs scared of Corrector?

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asked Jul 5, 2022 in Dogs by Egsbendict (23,910 points)
Why are dogs scared of Corrector?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 10, 2022 by Crazytoaster (35,090 points)
Dogs are scared of Corrector as it creates a noise that the dog does not like.

The Pet Corrector doesn't harm dogs or cause pain.

It's simply an interrupter and is to be used to distract our dogs and give us a chance to correct their behavior.

It's not a replacement for a dog trainer and isn't to be used on highly fearful or aggressive dogs.

To stop a big dog or a dog from jumping on you you can spray them with some water with a spray bottle or put some coins or rocks in a can and shake it when they begin jumping on you.

Keep greetings quiet and low-key.
If your dog jumps on you, ignore them. Turn and go out the door.
Try again. You may have to come in and go out dozens of times before your dog learns they only gets your attention when they keep all four feet on the floor.

Another option is to get a Shake & Break and shake it at the dog when they begin jumping on you.

The shake and break works by breaking the dogs focus which stops them from jumping on you or stops them from the other bad behavior you're correcting.

The Shake & Break takes the can of coins a step further by providing multiple sounds.

The hourglass shape of the shake and break features a steel end and a plastic end, both connected by a rubber center.

Inside, faceted beads provide the noise when you shake the Shake & Break.

Why two materials?

The sound of the beads hitting the metal end is much louder and more jarring than when you turn over the Shake & Break and have the beads make contact with the plastic end (a good option for shy dogs who may be  frightened by the sound of the beads on metal).

Dogs do have feelings and you can hurt a dog's feelings just like you can hurt a humans feelings.

Some common ways that people hurt their dogs feelings without even realizing it are.

Ignoring Your Dog.
Rubbing Their Nose in It.
Using the 'Come' Command for Something Your Dog Doesn't Like.
Being a Party Pooper.
Punishing or Laughing at Your Dog's Fears.
Using their Crate as a Punishment.

Signs of a dog being jealous include.

Getting between owner and other objects.
Behavior towards an object or thing you're interacting with.
Extra attention to you‌.

Psychologists performed a study on dog behavior and learned without a doubt that dogs do get jealous.

Whether it's jealousy as humans experience it, or an offshoot of deeply ingrained dog behavior like resource guarding or redirected excitement, dogs do feel envy.

To say sorry and apologize to your dog approach the dog calmly and talk to them calmly and simply say I'm sorry and pet them.

Even though they will not understand the sorry word they will understand that you're apologizing to them.

When you accidentally bump into your dog, they can most likely tell that it was not directed at them.

Should this happen frequently, he will get more careful when you move around and try to get out of your way sooner, but chances are, he will “forgive” you.

A dog can be mad at you.

Just like humans dogs can be mad at someone.

Signs that your dog is mad or angry at you or mad or angry in general include.

Stiff body posture.
Ears pinned back.
Baring Teeth.
Bites of different intensity (from light snipping to puncturing bites)

When a dog huffs at you it's usually a sign of aggression, stress or anger in the dog or the dog wants to be left alone.

Although sometimes huffing in dogs is a way of expressing happiness and contentment.

Dogs do sometimes forget their owners but rarely does a dog forget their owners.

Dogs have very good memories and dogs have been known to recognize and remember their owners after being away from them for a few years.

Most dogs do not simply forget about their previous owners when adopted by new ones, at least not immediately.

The longer a dog lives with someone, the more attached they tend to become.

Some dogs may seem a bit depressed at first when suddenly uprooted from their familiar surroundings.

Dogs do not usually recognize themselves in the mirror as most dogs tend to bark at themselves in the mirror thinking the dog is another dog.

My own dog will bark at himself every time he gets in front of a mirror so he thinks the dog he sees is another dog like him and is confused.

Dogs can and do cry and the dog sometimes sheds tears when they cry as well.

Most often dogs cry by whimpering, whining, howling and mewling.

Dogs can't answer yes or no nor can the dog learn to understand yes and no.

However you can teach your dog to respond with yes and no movements to your covert hand gesture, but the dog will never understand the concept behind the words yes and no.

Pulling a dog's scruff does hurt so you should not pick up a dog or pull them by their scruff as pulling the dog's scruff is painful for them.

All dogs have scruffs (the loose skin located around their neck.)

The dog's scruff has a very distinct purpose from early on.

When you look at the way mother dogs interact with their pups, you will also see that they often pick the pups up by their scruff.

They do so to carry them from one place to another.

It's not cruel to crate a dog during the night or while you're away from home.

Crating the dog keeps the dog safe during the night or when you cannot be around to supervise them and prevents them from getting into things or tearing things up during the night.

Crating the dog during the night is a good thing unless the dog wants to sleep with you and is good about staying in the bed with you.

You should not leave water in the puppy crate at night as they will usually need to pee afterwards.

Simply allow the puppy to have some water before they go to bed at night and they should be just fine through the night without needing to drink any water.

Puppies should always nap in their crate as the more often the puppy uses their crate the more used to the crate they will be.

The puppy should also sleep in the crate at night so they don't wander around the house at night.

You should encourage your puppy to nap and sleep in a safe place: a crate, a dog bed, or a quiet place in the house where they can nap undisturbed.

It may take time for the puppy to get the idea, but eventually they will recognize that spot as the place for sleep.

You cannot really spoil a puppy by holding it too much.

However you should not hold a puppy too much as it can cause health issues with the puppy and may cause the puppy to develop weak muscles as they need to walk and move around to strengthen their muscles.

It's normal for puppies to want to be held all the time.

They are a lot like babies in the first few weeks and can drive you crazy with their insistent crying and clinginess.

What you have to do is be patient, keep the puppy close until they adjust, and provide enough physical stimulation.

Affection is an important part of the human dog bond and when thoughtfully utilized, can be beneficial for both dog and owner.

However badly timed affection can worsen problems, build over stimulation, reward inappropriate behavior, and create instability in some dogs.

Only holding the puppy for one or two minutes at a time is ideal.

As time goes on and the puppy become less dependent on their mother, you can hold them for longer.

Never take a puppy off his mother while he's breastfeeding, because drinking her milk is crucial for his health and natural development.

If the puppy continues to cry for a long time, then there may well be something you need to help them with.

If you do go and check, limit your time with them.

Check if they need the toilet or if they are hurt, then settle your puppy again and leave.

If they start up again, as hard as it may seem, leave them alone.

In general, the minimum amount of interaction time for a puppy to be happy and healthy is two to three hours per day.

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