In some states you can insure a car that is not in your name.
Although generally most insurance companies will want you to be the owner of the car before they'll insure it in your name.
If you're a licensed driver and need to drive someone else's car and need insurance on that car then you can get insurance on the car even if it's not in your name.
You can also can buy auto insurance coverage for someone else, as most companies allow the driver and policyholder to be in different names.
This is fairly common for teen drivers, as parents generally are the auto policyholders until dependents can purchase their own vehicle and own insurance.
You cannot be on your parents' car insurance if the car is in your name and you are listed as the sole owner.
Your parents can't insure your car unless they are listed as owners.
So if you are thinking about buying your own car, it is a good idea to ask for quotes from several insurance companies first.
Geico will insure a car that is not in your name if you live in a state where the name on a car's registration and insurance do not need to match and you can prove “insurable interest.”
To prove insurable interest, you must be able to prove direct financial loss if the car in question is damaged or destroyed.