A second party check is a check that is issued by the check writer to another person who then passes the check to a third person, usually a business.
Third-party checks differ.
One type is a check written to another, signed over, or endorsed, to you.
Another is a check written to you by one party and cashed by another.
A simple example of this would be cashing your paycheck at your bank.
To cash a check that is not in your name you need to have the person who the check is written too endorse the check over to you.
The bank may want the person with you when you cash or deposit the endorsed check although some banks will cash a check or deposit an endorsed check without the person being with you.
Endorsing the check over to you makes the check yours to cash or deposit.
You can deposit a check into your account that is from or for someone else.
If the check is written to you then you simply deposit the check into your account but if the check is written to someone else then you need to have the person endorse the check over to you before you can deposit the check into your account.
You can deposit a check into your account from someone else at chase bank.
If the check belongs to someone else and you need to deposit the persons check that was written to them into your account then you simply need to have the person endorse the check over to you.
Chase may want the person to be at the bank with you when they endorse it to be sure it's them that endorsed the check over to you and will likely want to see ID from both people.
Chase bank will take third party checks for deposit, even over its mobile phone applications, but needs to also see the owner of the check with you, in person, if you intend to cash it.
How do I endorse a check to someone else Chase Mobile deposit?
Enter the deposit amount. Tap "Front" and take a photo of the front of the check.
Endorse your check, then tap "Next" Take a photo of the back of the check.
To endorse a check over to someone else.
Write “Pay to the Order of” and the Third Party's Name Below Your Signature.
It's important to write the name of the person that you are signing the check over to in the endorsement area under your signature.
This signals to the bank that you are endorsing the transfer of ownership for the check.