Where can I buy real gold?

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asked Jun 15, 2022 in Divorce & Marriage by Harolddoo (650 points)
When looking for an online store to buy jewelry, you need to look for a store with quality products and a store that delivers on time. I want to know which shops can be trusted?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 15, 2024 by gatepeeper (14,000 points)
You can buy real gold at some banks.

Some banks in the U.S. sell gold bars and coins (as well as silver coins).

This can be a good option for investors who prefer the public accountability of a federally regulated institution.

However, your options may be limited compared to what you'll find at an online retailer.

You can purchase real gold and real gold bullion in a number of ways which include through an online dealer such as APMEX or JM Bullion, or even a local dealer or collector.

A pawn shop may also sell gold.

Note gold's spot price — the price per ounce right now in the market — as you're buying, so that you can make a fair deal.

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