How can I remove my dark circles?

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asked Jun 12, 2022 in Body/Skin by Cuteepyes (1,890 points)
How can I remove my dark circles?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 18, 2022 by Christeenlia (29,300 points)
Some ways to remove dark circles are to get plenty of sleep, elevate your head during sleep, get plenty of vitamins, use Retinoid creams, Hydroquinone, kojic acid, and arbutin creams.

Apply a cold compress.
A cold compress may reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels to lessen the appearance of puffiness and dark circles.
Elevate your head.
Stay hydrated.
Soak with tea bags.
Use eye creams.
Conceal with makeup.

Dark circles under the eyes are usually caused by being tired.

Sometimes, what appear to be dark circles under your eyes may merely be shadows cast by puffy eyelids or hollows under your eyes that develop as a normal part of aging.

Dark circles under the eyes usually aren't a medical problem.

You can also remove dark circles naturally by mixing equal amounts of almond oil and vitamin E and then, just prior to bedtime, gently massaging the mixture into the dark circles.

In the morning, wash the area with cold water.

Repeat the process nightly until the dark circles disappear.

Deficiencies in certain vitamins, such as vitamins B12, E, K and D, cause dark circles.

Vitamin B12 is strongly associated with the production of red blood cells in the body.

When B12 levels are low, you are more likely to have iron deficiency, which leads to dark circles.

When you're stressed, blood is provided to other parts of your body, barring the face, which makes it look very pale.

This causes the blood vessels underneath your eye to be more apparent, eventually giving birth to dark circles.

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