Can we apply aloe vera directly on hair?

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asked Jun 13, 2022 in Hair by Cuteepyes (1,890 points)
Can we apply aloe vera directly on hair?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 13, 2022 by Crazytoaster (39,970 points)
Yes we can apply Aloe Vera directly on hair.

To apply the Aloe Vera to your hair work the Aloe Vera using your hands into your scalp, hair, and ends.

To help seal in the moisture, apply a few drops of castor oil and massage in.

Leave the aloe vera in for about 30 minutes and then rinse off.

You can use Aloe Vera to regrow lost hair and prevent future hair loss as well because Aloe Vera gel is rich in proteolytic enzymes that heal and repair damaged cells in the scalp.

When you apply Aloe Vera on your hair you should keep the Aloe Vera in your hair for at least 30 minutes.

Aloe vera cleanses the hair shaft efficiently, stripping off extra sebum (oil) and residue from other hair products.

But aloe vera doesn't hurt your hair strands while it cleans.

Unlike other chemicals in hair products, aloe vera is gentle and preserves the integrity of your hair.

You can directly apply the raw aloe vera gel to your hair and scalp.

Work it in with your hands into your scalp, hair, and ends.

To help seal in the moisture, apply a few drops of castor oil and massage in.

Leave the aloe vera in for about 30 minutes and then rinse off.

Aloe Vera Gel is good for hair growth because it contains vitamin B12 and folic acid as well as vitamins A, C and E which all contribute to healthy hair and hair growth.

Aloe vera gel is also rich in proteolytic enzymes that heal and repair damaged cells in the scalp.

In this turn, improves the health of hair follicles and boosts hair growth.

Proteolytic enzymes also stimulate the dormant hair follicles, promoting regrowth of hair.

An Aloe Vera Plant needs at least a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight daily.

Aloe Vera plants do well grown in direct sunlight, but sometimes too much light can damage your aloe's leaves.

Plants grown in very hot sunlight can become sunburned, leading to browning.

When growing an Aloe Vera Plant it is critical that you place your aloe Vera plant in a window where it will receive a minimum of six hours of sunlight per day.

Without extended, direct light, your succulent will begin to stretch and lose its attractive, compact form.

Not all Aloe Vera Plants are edible and some are poisonous.

You can eat some types of Aloe Vera Plants.

However some types of Aloe Vera Plants can be poisonous and should not be eaten.

The edible Aloe Vera Plant has thick, wide leaves that grow upright and are a silvery green color.

It produces yellow flowers.

The non-edible version, the Aloe vera var.

Chinensis is used mostly for treating burns and skin ulcers and has narrow leaves that aren't as thick.

You can scoop the gel out with a spoon or slice off the other side of the skin.

Cut the gel into cubes and rinse them to wash off any dirt or the bitter latex, which is the yellow residue you may see.

You can eat the aloe chunks raw or use a gentle cooking method like poaching, blanching or steaming.

Aloe vera juice is a rich source of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals.

This lowers oxidative stress on your body and reduces the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or even cancer.

Aloe vera juice is also an excellent source of: Vitamin C.

As an oral supplement, aloe has no set dose.

For constipation, some use 100-200 milligrams of aloe juice -- or 50 milligrams of aloe extract -- daily as needed.

For diabetes, 1 tablespoon of the gel has been used daily.

High oral doses of aloe or aloe latex are dangerous.

Some side effects of eating Aloe Vera Plant include.

Blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
Burning and itching of the skin (infrequent)
Stomach pain and cramps (high doses)
Diarrhea, kidney problems, blood in the urine, low potassium, muscle weakness, weight loss, and heart disturbances (long-term use at high doses)
Liver problems (rare)

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