Do You Need To Wax Vinyl Floors?

+1 vote
asked Jun 6, 2022 in Other-Home/Garden by elijahwilliam (2,370 points)

Waxing is never a recommended or even good idea for Vinyl Floors, since all it does is simply worsen the structure of the vinyl floors.

Most of the Vinyl Floors, such as the vinyl plank ones, feature a protective coating which serves as a sealant, as well.

Therefore, there is no need to go for an additional application of any protectants or sealants.

Applying any of the wax based products, like polishes, will simply give rise to a huge mess by accumulating on the floor’s surface and can even eat away the top coating in worst cases.

Give me your suggestions.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2022 by Wendell (43,250 points)
You don't need to wax vinyl floors and actually doing so could damage the vinyl flooring.

Waxing vinyl floors can be done but it's not recommended to as waxes and solvent-based polishes you might use on other flooring surfaces can damage the topcoat and leave your floor with dull buildup.

Do not use detergents, abrasive cleaners, or “mop and shine” products, because these can leave a dull film on the floor.

Do not use paste wax or solvent-based polishes.

Do not use ammonia or ammonia-based cleaning solutions on vinyl flooring; these can break down the material and cause cracks in the flooring.

With regular vacuuming and mopping, vinyl flooring can maintain its luster even after years of use.

If yours is a busy household, the occasional polishing can give your floors sparkle and a new lease of life.

Luckily, you can get this job done on your own with just a few readily available supplies.

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