Fridge compressor won't come on?

0 votes
asked Jan 6, 2017 in Maintenance/Repairs by Laura (220 points)
I have a 4 year old Frigidaire Refrigerator and it suddenly stopped working. Food is getting warm so I had to put it in an ice chest for now.

The compressor isn't even turning on?

Anything I can do to fix it myself before calling in a repairman?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 6, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)

Unless the compressor completely failed then you should be able to get it going again.

Look on the back of the refrigerator and locate a cover on the compressor. 

This will be the relay. 

Here's an image describing where the relay is. 

Unplug the refrigerator and then take a screw driver and give the relay a tap. 

Sometimes they stick and tapping it fixes it. If not you will have to get a new relay to put on it. 

If that doesn't work then the compressor is probably gone in that case it would be cheaper to get a new refrigerator instead.

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