How can I make my bladder stronger?

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asked May 16, 2022 in Incontinence by phillDR (790 points)
How can I make my bladder stronger?

1 Answer

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answered May 16, 2022 by mujgbdsr (1,320 points)
Things to make your bladder stronger include.

Pelvic Floor Exercises.

Kegal Exercises.

Holding your pee in for a short time.

Kegel repetitions can strengthen your bladder muscles and improve your bladder control.

To perform Kegel exercises, simply squeeze the muscles of your pelvic floor.

If you're unsure how to isolate these muscles, stop urinating mid-stream the next time you go to the bathroom.

Holding your pee for a little bit can help strengthen your bladder although holding your pee too long can cause bladder infections and even UTI as well as possible kidney failure and kidney disease if you hold the pee in too long or too often.

When you need to pee you should pee as soon as you can instead of holding it too long.

Holding in your pee or urine does help somewhat to strengthen your bladder and bladder muscles so it can prevent urinary incontinence in the future but sometimes holding in your pee for 10 or 20 minutes before going pee.

However do not hold in your pee or urine too long or too often though as it can lead to kidney failure and other bladder infections which can be worse than having a weak bladder.

I would rather deal with a weak bladder and have urinary incontinence instead of having a bladder infection or possible kidney failure.

Having kidney failure will eventually kill you but having incontinence is not as bad.

When you do hold your pee it helps your bladder muscles strengthen which allows you to hold in your pee a bit longer when you need too.

But if you do need to go pee you should pee as soon as possible because it's not safe to hold in pee for too long.

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