How many watts does a dishwasher use?

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asked May 7, 2022 in Other-Home/Garden by Zachstumbo (930 points)
How many watts does a dishwasher use?

2 Answers

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answered May 8, 2022 by FrankDubois (380 points)
No idea at all. But I have good intention to know more about this dishwasher. Thank you!
0 votes
answered May 8, 2022 by 2021sucked (45,160 points)
A dishwasher uses between 200 to 400 watts of electricity when on and washing dishes.

However when the dishwasher is using the heating element to heat dry the dishes then the dishwasher can use as much as 1,800 watts of electricity.

However some dishwashers may use around 1,800 watts of electricity for the pump and the control the electronics as well as the motor.

Dishwashers can use between 1200-2400 watts1, although the average dishwasher uses only about 1800 watts per cycle (roughly the energy used to power a hairdryer for ten minutes).

The electricity used by a dishwasher is usually needed only on the control electronics and the pump.

Although the good news is a dishwasher is far more efficient than hand washing dishes.

It's safer, faster, and cheaper than even the most frugal method of hand washing.

On average, it costs $0.189 to run a dishwasher once per day.

It costs $1.32 per week, $5.67 per month and $68.99 per year to run a dishwasher every day.

This assumes 1 load per day.

It's best to leave the dishwasher's door open for a little while after running a cycle, as keeping it shut creates a warm, damp environment that is very comfortable for mold and other microbes.

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