Why do some dogs walk around for awhile before they poop?

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asked Feb 27, 2018 in Dogs by Paxee (220 points)
Why do some dogs walk around for awhile before they poop?

I've noticed that some dogs especially small dogs walk around for a few minutes or so before they actually poop?

Why do some dogs walk around usually in circles before they go poop?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 27, 2018 by Essmann (42,860 points)
A dog walks around before using the bathroom because it's a natural instinct and has something to do with hygiene.

I think it is because they're making sure the spot they're gonna be pooping is clean and hasn't been pooped on before.

Another reason dogs walk in circles is due to the earths magnetic field. Some dogs will also walk in circles or spin around before lying down to go to sleep.

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