If I am late on a minimum payment of credit card payment will it be reported to credit bureau?

+1 vote
asked Feb 23, 2018 in Credit by Chaskio (320 points)
If I am late on a minimum payment of credit card payment will it be reported to credit bureau?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2018 by Adf289 (59,990 points)
I've missed one minimum payment before because I was sick and couldn't pay the minimum payment on my credit card and it wasn't reported yet to the credit bureau.

You'd probably have to miss the payment at least a few weeks past the due date before they would report the missed payment.

As long as you get the minimum payment in before it gets too late then it shouldn't affect your credit score too much.

Although be aware that missing the payment can add up to $30.00 or more in late fees so do try to get that minimum payment in before the due date if possible and if you won't be able to pay on the credit card bill then don't use it for any purchases until you can unless it's a real emergency.

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