Overnight getaway

0 votes
asked Apr 20, 2022 in Family by SnowyKate (200 points)

Hi. I want to plan an overnight getaway for me and my husband to refresh our relations. How do you think it's a good idea?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 22, 2022 by Vapirusky (51,550 points)
An overnight get away can be good.

If you can only get away overnight or for one or two days then that is better than no vacation.

If going overnight you may need to stay locally so you can get back in time.

But if going for a weekend you can usually fly and be at your destination for the weekend and then fly back the next day or so.

Some of the best places to go for a great weekend getaway include.

New York City.
Charleston, SC.
San Diego.
New Orleans.
Asheville, NC.

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