How much can I sell my pee for?

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asked Apr 20, 2022 in Other- Health by Divinelite (3,840 points)
How much can I sell my pee for?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 20, 2022 by Vapirusky (41,180 points)
You can sell your pee for as much as $20.00 per ounce online.

People typically by urine to use to pass drug tests during a urine drug test.

You can sell your pee for money.

The payout for pee for money is around $20.00 per ounce although it can be illegal in some places as most people buy the urine to pass a drug test.

A Massachusetts company called OpenBiome will buy your human poop.

OpenBiome pays up to $13,000 a year for your poop.

The nonprofit company pays cash for human feces as a way to fight a rare bacteria called C. difficile.

Poop can be sold for money as strange as it sounds.

Yes you can sell your poop for money.

As strange and gross as it sounds to some people you can indeed make around $13,000.00 annually by selling your poop to people who need it.

You can make up to $13,000.00 annually by selling your poop on a regular basis.

Some programs will pay as much as $40.00 per donation.

However, to get paid for a stool sample, your donation must be usable – meaning if you donate but the sample is unusable for treatment, you will not get paid for that donation.

To become a poop donor and sell your poop.

Step 1: Fill out a health questionnaire. Fill out an online health questionnaire.
Step 2: An in-person clinical interview.
Step 3: Blood and stool testing.
Step 4: You're In.

The poop is used for Fecal transplants which is used to treat a severe bacterial infection called C. difficile, or C. diff.

Fecal transplants are where doctors try to cure sick people of various ills by giving them the stools of healthy donors have been used since at least fourth-century China, according to texts that make reference to “yellow soup.”

The unusual treatment has been rediscovered many times since, but it's finally starting to.

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