What brands of diapers work well for a twelve-year-old boy?

+1 vote
asked Apr 18, 2022 in Adolescent by Baldacci2021 (420 points)
This relates to the advice given to me in the two last follow-up questions to why my son holds his poop against his bottom and enjoys it so much. I talked to him after he finished up in the bathroom just a while ago. I didn't want to embarrass him around his other brothers. So we went to his room. He confirmed that indeed, he remembers being a toddler and how he enjoyed very much the feel of filling his diaper. He told me that he would like to be back in diapers again because he misses being a toddler and the pure joy he felt when soiled. Now, keep in mind that he never smeared his poop, but as a toddler, he would lie prone on the floor and move his butt in an up-and-down motion whenever he had a firm poop in his diaper. I am thinking that he liked the way the firm poop jiggled and shifted slightly as he moved. But anyway, back to the question. What brand of diaper should I get my son, and if so, can I order them discretely to save him some embarrassment? If he wants to be a baby boy in the privacy of his bedroom or the second bathroom (which I instructed him to use if he wanted to soil himself from now on,) I really have no problem with it as long as he is well educated on how to keep his skin healthy and to prevent rashes. Everybody has their own childish pleasure, and I realize that, though quirky as it may be, his is different, I want to give him the utmost freedom to be the boy he wishes to be, provided that it won't interfere with his social life or anything else. So what brands of disposable diapers work well, and do they provide odor control, wetness protection, good leak prevention, etc.? I asked my son about other items, and he would like to have some plain white onesy t-shirts, but that's it. He said he can fantasize about bottles, pacifiers, etc., but the only real items he wants are diapers and onesies, especially the onesies, so he can wear them beneath his normal every-day clothing. So where can I get these items for him and can they be sent to us discretely?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2022 by diapermouse1 (8,370 points)
Brands of diapers that should work well for a 12 year old boy are Attends Youth Diapers.


Or if your 12 year old is skinny enough he may fit into size 7 Pampers Cruisers, size 7 Dollar General Gentle Steps diapers or other size 7 diapers.

Other diapers that will fit a twelve year old boy include.

Tranquility slimline Youth Diapers.

Tena Youth Diapers.

Northshore Megamax diapers.

Bambino diapers may also fit your 12 year old boy or Abuniverse diapers such as Abuniverse super dry kids diapers.

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