Why is DDAVP given?

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asked Apr 10, 2022 in Other- Health by R11988 (1,230 points)
Why is DDAVP given?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 14, 2022 by Coffeemomma (40,900 points)
The reason DDAVP is given to patients is to help stop bleeding in patients with von Willebrand's disease or mild hemophilia A.

When DDAVP is given it causes the release of von Willebrand's antigen from the platelets and the cells that line the blood vessels where it is stored.

Von Willebrand's antigen is the protein that carries factor VIII.

Desmopressin exerts its haemostatic effect by: Inducing synthesis of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) by endothelial cells.

Stimulating release of the VWF from its storage sites in endothelial cells.

Cleaving the large VWF multimers circulating in plasma into smaller multimers.

Desmopressin, sold under the trade name DDAVP among others, is a medication used to treat diabetes insipidus, bedwetting, hemophilia A, von Willebrand disease, and high blood urea levels.

Desmopressin is a man-made form of vasopressin and is used to replace a low level of vasopressin.

This medication helps to control increased thirst and too much urination due to these conditions, and helps prevent dehydration.

Desmopressin is also used to control nighttime bedwetting in children.

Desmopressin works by reducing the amount of urine produced in the body at night by the kidneys.

This means that the bladder then fills with less urine during the night.

Desmopressin is usually taken at bedtime.

Infrequently, desmopressin may affect your blood pressure.

It may cause an increase or decrease in your blood pressure.

A temporary drop in your blood pressure may result in dizziness and a fast heartbeat.

Ask your doctor for more details, especially if you have heart problems or high or low blood pressure.

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