You can sell brass casings.
Brass shell casings can be sold online or even to scrap metal yards.
As long as the brass shell casing is just the casing and not a bullet or active shell then scrap metal yards will buy them for brass.
I've sold spent brass shell casings to scrap yards that I've picked up at a shooting range and saved them for awhile and have made some good money off of them.
There's also places online that buy the brass shell casings as well which may give you more money for them.
Capital Cartridge is a company that buys spent brass shell casings.
Brass casings go for around $1.75 lb although they can be worth as much as $2.00 to $3.00 per lb depending on the price of scrap brass in your area.
Scrap brass prices can vary and go up and down.
Each cartridge casing begins its life as a brass “coil” formed when copper and zinc, along with a few trace elements, are combined to form brass.
The particular type of brass our industry uses to form casings is called C260, or “Cartridge Brass”.
The most popular material used to make cartridge cases is brass due to its good corrosion resistance.
The head of a brass case can be work-hardened to withstand the high pressures, and allow for manipulation via extraction and ejection without rupturing.