Can aluminum in engines be recycled?

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asked Apr 9, 2022 in Green Living by Kgarfield (17,090 points)
Can aluminum in engines be recycled?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 10, 2022 by Medlock12334 (8,940 points)
Aluminum engines can be recycled.

Whether you have aluminum car engines or aluminum lawn mower engines or any other type of aluminum engines they can be recycled.

You can sell the aluminum engine complete for scrap metal or you can break the aluminum engine down and remove any iron and other non aluminum parts.

If you sell the aluminum engine without breaking it down then it will go as dirty aluminum.

If you remove the iron and other not aluminum parts of the aluminum engine then it goes as clean aluminum or cast aluminum.

Anything that is made of aluminum or any other metals can be sold to a scrap yard.

Scrap yards even buy scrap cast iron engine blocks as is or tore apart.

The cast iron engine blocks will weigh more than an aluminum engine and so it will take less of the cast iron engine blocks or engines to make money than it would with aluminum engines.

Even if you have some aluminum rims for scrap the scrap yard will buy those as well for scrap as long as the tires are removed and the valve stems are removed.

Steel rims can also be sold for scrap as long as the tires and the valve stems are removed from them as well.

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