Synonyms for the word prancing include swagger, sashay, frolic, parade, dance, peacock, flounce, swank, strut, caper and cavort.
Prancing exercise is when you exercise by doing prancing movements.
Prancing is when you walk or move around with ostentatious, exaggerated movements.
The prancing exercise is a type of exercise which requires tremendous amounts of coordination, rhythm, and ability to use the lower limbs and feet reflexively.
The prancing exercise functions as a low level plyometric than can be used as an extensive option to build a base not just in volume but also in an athlete's general motor skill learning.
Prancercise is a holistic fitness method based on "a springy, rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse's gait and ideally induced by elation" created by Joanna Rohrback.
It has been compared to the low-impact aerobics that were popularized by 1980s workout videos.
To perform the prancercise exercise.
Run forward with short, quick steps, keeping your legs straight and kicking your feet out in front of your body.
Keep your chest up or tilted slightly forward, pump your arms and land on the balls of your feet.
Pull your legs under your body, keeping your legs straight and contracting your glutes.
If someone prances around, they walk or move around with exaggerated movements, usually because they want people to look at them and admire them.