What is monstrously mean?

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asked Apr 6, 2022 in Words & Wordplay by Shellyfart (2,760 points)
What is monstrously mean?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 6, 2022 by Stormymormy (1,700 points)
Monstrously means something is hideous, ugly frightful, terrible to look at etc.

An example of monstrous would be a big ugly dress.

Or another example of monstrous is a big ugly factory building that is an eyesore.

If you describe something as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely frightening because it appears unnatural or ugly.

When you call someone a monstrosity it means that you're calling that person a big and ugly person.

If someone calls you a monstrosity it means they are likely mocking you and making fun of you for being fat and ugly.

The kind of word that monstrosity is, is a noun and is the act of being monstrous.

Monstrosity is a noun and not a verb.

A person can be a monstrosity.

When someone is a monstrosity it means they are large and are not good to look at.

The opposite of monstrosity is something that is beautiful or good looking.

Some examples of how to use monstrosity in a sentence are.

The new hotel is a monstrosity that blocks my view of the beach.
Because your monstrosity of a car is parked in front of my driveway, I can't drive to work.
Nobody will purchase your couch at the yard sale because it's a brightly colored monstrosity.

That big ugly factory is a monstrosity that they build close to the beach.

Monstrosity means that something is very large and is an eyesore.

For example a large building that is ugly could be considered a monstrosity.

A monstrosity is something so hideous that you can hardly stand to look at it, like a zombie or an ugly modern building.

A monster can certainly be described as a monstrosity, but so can anything that is as frightening or disgusting as a monster.

Basically anything you find large and offensive to look at can be considered a monstrosity.

A statue, a person etc can be a monstrosity.

Since monstrosity is just anything that is large and is terrible to look at.

Although what one person finds ugly and a monstrosity someone else may find that same thing a beautiful thing to look at.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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