How can I stop my hair loss?

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asked Mar 31, 2022 in Hair by Skozusa (1,010 points)
How can I stop my hair loss?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 31, 2022 by AngieSmit (29,590 points)
Some things you can do to stop hair loss include.

Massage. Massaging the scalp, which can be used in conjunction with hair oils and masks, stimulates the scalp and may improve hair thickness .
Aloe vera. Aloe vera has long been used for treating hair loss.
Coconut oil.
Fish oil.
Onion juice.
Rosemary oil.

Hair Loss can be serious and you should be worried about the hair loss if you suddenly start losing a lot of hair.

Losing small amounts of hair is normal but you should not lose large amounts of hair.

Also gradual thinning on the top of your head, the appearance of patchy or bald spots on your scalp, and full-body hair loss are signs that there may be an underlying health condition.

A lack of water can cause hair loss because when you don't get enough water intake you become dehydrated and dehydration can lead to hair loss and hair thinning.

So increasing your water intake can help slow down and prevent hair loss and keeps you hydrated as well.

Bald heads can regrow in some cases.

However If a hair follicle has closed, disappeared, scarred, or not generated a new hair in years, then a new hair wouldn't be able to grow.

You may also want to get a hair transplant to help replace the hair that is lost.

Stress can cause balding and hair loss.

If your daily hair fall is more than the usual 80-100 strands of hair, you might be suffering from stress-related hair loss.

If you notice bald patches on your scalp, it may be a sign of Alopecia Areata.

If you have had the urge to pull out your hair, it may be stress-induced Trichotillomania.

A lack of sleep and not getting enough sleep can lead to hair loss as wen you lack sleep your body does not repair itself properly and also leads to stress which is also another cause of hair loss.

When your body decreases in its melatonin levels, it's possible that this results in hair loss.

Sleep deprivation can eventually lead to stress, and stress has been known to result in telogen effluvium hair loss.

Low B12 can cause hair loss.

When your B12 levels are low the hair follicles cannot grow new hair efficiently which can then result in hair loss.

So increasing your Vitamin B12 levels you can help prevent hair loss.

Taking Vitamin D or increasing your Vitamin D intake can help stop hair loss because a Vitamin D deficiency can cause hair loss.

Vitamin D deficiency is believed to cause certain types of hair loss problems, namely alopecia areata and male pattern baldness.

Low vitamin D levels may be associated with a poor hair growth cycle which can result in slow regrowth that could aggravate hair thinning and the appearance of bald spots.

Hair grows back after taking Vitamin D but it can take a few months to a year or so before you see the hair grow back to where it was when you start taking Vitamin D.

When taking Vitamin D for hair growth you should take at least 15 mcg/600 IU of Vitamin D.

The optimal serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is controversial.

Recommendations range between 20 to 40 ng/mL14 and 30 to 50 ng/mL.

The sun does help hair growth because the sun helps you produce Vitamin D and other vitamins that help hair grow.

The vitamin that is responsible for the growth of hair is Vitamin B although Vitamin D is also good for hair growth as well.

B vitamin is the vitamin that is responsible for hair growth.

B Vitamin is also known as biotin.

One of the best known vitamins for hair growth is a B vitamin called biotin.

Studies link biotin deficiency with hair loss in humans.

Although biotin is used as an alternative hair loss treatment, those who are deficient have the best results.

Vitamins that cannot and should not be taken together are.

Vitamin C with vitamin B-12.
Vitamin A supplement with vitamin A-rich foods.
Folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12.
Vitamin E and vitamin K.

You can take cod liver oil and multivitamins together but doing so could cause you to get too many vitamins so it's not recommended.

Fish oil supplements do not typically contain significant amounts of vitamin A or D.

Cod liver oils, on the other hand, do contain significant levels of vitamin A and D and may, therefore, result in exceeding the recommended daily intake if taken together with a multivitamin.

The cod liver oil that is the best is Carlson Cod Liver oil.

Other good cod liver oils are.

Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil.

Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil.

Carlson Cod Liver Oil Capsules.

Cod liver oil does work but it does not work quickly.

When taking cod liver oil it can take between 2 to 3 weeks to see results from the cod liver oil.

A person should not take cod liver oil when they are pregnant, have asthma or you're taking medications such as Warfarin or other anticoagulants.

Cod Liver oil is best taken in the morning before breakfast or before dinnertime.

However you can take cod liver oil at anytime of the day or night.

When taking cod liver oil it takes around 2 to 3 weeks to see the results and for the cod liver oil to work as long as you take the cod liver oil everyday.

Cod liver oil does not reduce cholesterol but cod liver oil can increase good high density, lipoprotein cholesterol.

Cod Liver Oil is better than omega 3 because you get the added benefit of more vitamins in the Cod Liver oil than you do with omega 3.

It's best best to take only fish oil or cod liver oil, but not both together.

Both oils deliver the benefits from omega-3 fatty acids, but cod liver oil has the added vitamins A and D.

If you want those extra vitamins, you can take just cod liver oil.

If you don't want those extra vitamins, take just the fish oil.

Cod Liver Oil is actually better than just Vitamin D because Cod Liver oil provides you with Vitamin D as well as Vitamin A.

So you get more vitamins taking cod liver oil than you would just taking Vitamin D alone.

Cod liver oil contains a higher concentration of vitamin D than fish oil from other sources.

For that reason, some medical experts have recommended that those with vitamin D deficiency choose cod liver oil rather than other types of fish oil supplements.

1000mg of Vitamin C is safe to take.

Actually the upper safe limit for Vitamin C daily is around 2,000mg of Vitamin C.

People who have chronic liver disease, gout, or kidney disease are recommended to take no more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C per day.

High doses of vitamin C could exacerbate iron overload and result in tissue damage in such individuals.

Vitamin C should be taken at night if you prefer but in reality Vitamin C works great when taken either at night or in the morning or anytime of the day.

Vitamins such as Multivitamins should be taken in the morning while other vitamins are best taken at night.

Vitamins that are best taken at night include.

Iron if you are taking Active Iron.
Vitamin D.
Vitamin C.
Vitamin E.

You can take a multivitamin at night, as long as you take it with a small bit of food to coat your stomach and to help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins.

Taking vitamins at night is not the best though because your digestion and metabolism are slower at night which means your body takes longer to digest the vitamins and allow them to work.

In the morning and evenings your digestion and metabolism are working better and faster and so the body can absorb, digest or take in the vitamins much easier and faster.

Because these supplements commonly contain both fat- and water-soluble vitamins, it's typically recommended to consume them with a meal.

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