Can you breed a brother and sister guinea pig?

+1 vote
asked Feb 15, 2018 in Other- Pets by Boke7u (230 points)
Can you breed a brother and sister guinea pig?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2018 by Larry S (42,350 points)
If the brother and sister guinea pig want to mate together then yes you can breed the two guinea pigs together.
0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2024 by JweRiggins (2,500 points)
You can breed a brother and sister guinea pig although it's not recommended.

Breeding a brother and sister guinea pig is inbreeding and can increase the chance of disease processes and abnormalities in the baby guinea pigs.

Any time you breed a brother and sister guinea pig you increase the risk of the baby guinea pigs having defects and other health problems.

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