Which tooth is absent in child?

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asked Mar 28, 2022 in Dental by Bertenery (690 points)
Which tooth is absent in child?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 28, 2022 by Christeenlia (30,340 points)
Premolars are the tooth or teeth that is absent in a child.

In children the first teeth to be lost are usually the central incisors.

This is then followed by the first permanent molars coming in and then the last baby tooth is often lost around age 12.

This is the cuspid or second molar.

It is possible to never lose some baby teeth but it's rare that it happens.

Most kids do eventually lose their baby teeth and then adult teeth grow in.

The baby teeth that never fall out are called retained teeth, and although they are typically harmless, they can cause some dental issues.

Problems with tooth development can occur if you don't lose your baby teeth.

Most kids start losing their baby teeth by age 6 years old.

A child's baby teeth (primary teeth) typically begin to loosen and fall out to make room for permanent teeth at about age 6.

However, sometimes this can be delayed by as much as a year as some kids may not lose their baby teeth until age 7.

If you never lose your baby teeth and they don't get replaced with adult teeth then you could have complications with tooth development.

The tooth development problem from baby teeth not being replaced is Infraocclusion.

Once the baby tooth gets loose enough then you could pull the baby tooth out.

I have pulled my own baby tooth out before once it got loose enough but it took about 4 days after the tooth starting coming loose for the tooth to become loose enough to come out.

Teeth are so small that it would be near impossible for a child to choke on his/her baby teeth when they fall out.

I actually have swallowed a baby tooth as a child and it never choked me.

A child choking on their baby teeth when the baby teeth fall out is very unlikely.

Most children will wiggle the baby tooth out and remove the baby tooth themselves before they have a chance to swallow it.

Also if the child does swallow the baby tooth then they will likely have no issues with it blocking their airway and causing choking.

A baby tooth is so small that it would likely just slide down the child's throat and then go into the stomach where it would then come out in the child;s poop eventually.

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