Do all humans have navel?

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asked Mar 23, 2022 in Other- Health by xTurdes (680 points)
Do all humans have navel?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 23, 2022 by Jadetayor (3,110 points)
All humans have a navel which is also known as a belly button.

The navel or belly button is where your umbilical cord attached to provide you with food and nutrients as a baby in your mothers womb.

When you're born the umbilical cord is cut off and then it's tied off which then becomes your belly button.

Your belly button cannot unravel as the belly button was tied off at birth and has had time to seal properly.

So it would be hard for the belly button to unravel.

The belly button is useless other than being a seal that seals off your naval passage when your umbilical cord was cut and tied off at birth.

Other than that your belly button serves no other purpose.

You can live without a belly button as it's just a seal where your umbilical cord was cut off and then tied up.

You can also have surgery to remove the belly button during a Tummy Tuck as well.

The only purpose the belly button has after the birth of the baby and person is to seal off the passage where the umbilical cord sent nutrients and foods to the baby.

Other than that the belly button has no other purpose other than to seal off the naval passage.

The belly button has no purpose after your birth.

However the belly button is meant to serve as a seal for the naval passage where your umbilical cord was attached too that provided you with nutrients and food as a baby.

Some people's belly buttons are so high because of the position of the scar and the position of the belly button being naturally in that position when born.

And the position of the scar, or the distance between the scar and the belly button can give the visual appearance of the belly button placed too high.

A higher scar with a shorter distance to the new umbilicus will give the appearance of a higher belly button even if it is in the same place.

When your belly button is wet and smelly it's likely because you have a fungal infection, bacterial infection or yeast infection in the belly button.

These conditions can cause your belly button to be wet and smelly.

When your belly button is leaking it's most often because of a fungal infection, yeast infection or bacterial infection.

Dirt, bacteria, fungus, and germs can get trapped inside your belly button and start to multiply, which can cause an infection.

If you develop a belly button infection, you might notice white, yellow, brown, or bloody discharge seeping out of it.

When your belly button smells like poop it's most often caused by fungus or bacteria growing in the belly button.

That fungus and bacteria growing in the belly button can lead to the belly button emitting odors such as a poop odor.

Cleaning your belly button often can help prevent your belly button from growing that bacteria and fungus and prevent the belly button from smelling like poop.

Bacteria and Fungal Infections are the most common cause of a belly button smelling like poop or even just smelling bad in general.

You can use some rubbing alcohol to help clean out your belly button.

Dip a cotton swab in some rubbing alcohol and then use the cotton swab to clean out your belly button.

You should clean your belly button daily or at least every few days to help keep bacteria and fungal infections from occurring in the belly button.

Your belly button smelling like poop is most likely caused by a fungal infection that can be cleared up using some fungal cream and washing out your belly button.

You can also clean the belly button using some rubbing alcohol or vinegar which helps to kill the bacteria causing the fungal infection.

Some other causes of a smelly belly button and a belly button that smells like poop is due to an unclean belly button that has dirt and bacteria, and other germs inside it.

Even when you shower sometimes dirt and germs and that other bacteria may still reside in the belly button especially if you don't clean it good enough.

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