What do you do if you find drugs?

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asked Jan 21, 2022 in Law Enforcement/Police by adamschull (790 points)
What do you do if you find drugs?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 21, 2022 by 766moporter (2,060 points)
If you come across drugs you should contact the police.

Don't touch the drugs but instead call the police and alert them of the drugs and they will come and investigate and remove the drugs and then destroy them.

I once found some drugs on the street and called the police and the took a report and took the drugs.

The drug laws in California are and state that under proposition 47, the possession of controlled substances for personal use, deemed “simple possession,” is classified as a misdemeanor offense, punishable by up to one year in county jail, community services, and/or a fine of up to $1,000.00

Controlled substances fall under California Health and Safety Code 11350.

Selling drugs is a felony in California.

The selling or transportation of drugs in California is a Felony.

The standard penalties for these types of code violations could include one or both of the following: Jail time of 3 to 9 years.

A fine of up to $20,000.00

Acid is not legal in California.

Acid is actually illegal in California and can get you 3 years in prison or county jail.

The crime of possession for sale of LSD is classified as a non-reducible felony subject to sentencing pursuant to Penal Code Section 1170(h), which generally means up to three years in the county jail.

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is Schedule 1 on the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act.

LSD is illegal for possession under Health and Safety Code 11377.

LSD is illegal for possession for sale under Health and Safety Code 11378.

Drugs are illegal in California.

If you possess illegal drugs in California or illegal controlled substances then you can face jail and prison time if caught with them.

Drugs that are illegal drugs are illegal in any state and having them in your possession can get you into serious trouble.

In California, possession of a controlled substance, such as illegal drugs like heroin or cocaine or prescription drugs not obtained with a proper prescription, is against the law.

If you are caught in possession of any usable amount, you face legal consequences.

A drug felony, in California, consists of a crime that carries a maximum sentence of more than one year in either jail or prison.

The most serious of general felonies could even be punished with a life sentence.

A list of drugs that are illegal in California include.

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (also known as “GHB”)
Certain prescription drugs including oxycodone (Oxycontin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin)

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