How to make money from home?

+1 vote
asked Nov 19, 2017 in Employment & Careers by Prigen (12,000 points)
How to make money from home?

How can I make money from home legit? I want to make a living by working at home but not sure how to get started?

How do you make money or earn a living while working from home?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 25, 2017 by Shawn (99,990 points)

There's many legit ways of making an income online while never leaving your home. 

Start A Blog. 

If you know a lot about a niche and can write a blog with great unique content that will help people solve a problem you can make money by blogging in a good high paying blog niche. 

Pick a niche you know a lot about and that has high paying keywords. If you don't know about the topic as much but still want to write a blog in the high paying niche then you can still write a blog in that high paying niche. 

Just research the topic and gain knowledge about the topic before you write a blog article on it. 

Once you have the research done you can sit down and start writing the article. Make sure you write great content that your blog readers will want to share with others. 

How to create a blog or website. 

To setup a blog you need a few things. A blogging script for your blog, a web host to host your blog and a domain name. 

For web hosting I use hawkhost but you can use any web host that you would like too. Next you need domain name, you can register domains at for $9.99 per year. 

For the blogging script I recommend you use wordpress as it's what runs most of the blogs on the internet today. 

Another thing you'll need is patience. The money that comes from blogging doesn't happen overnight, it can take a year or more to get your blog earning any money. 

You'll be working long and hard on your blog for the first year or 2 or even more without much pay. But overtime the hard work will payoff and you can earn money from your blog while you sleep from all the older blog posts you've written years ago. 

How to earn from your blog. 

There's many ways to earn from your blog. You can earn money through ad networks such as Adsense or Adsense and pay on both impressions and clicks. 

Whenever someone views your website it counts as an impression if the ad is shown and you earn a bit of money. 

When someone clicks on those ads you earn even more. Some clicks on Adsense can be as high as $5.00 or more depending on what the advertisement is for. 

Other ways to earn money online. 

Besides blogging there's other ways of earning money online legit. 

There's freelance work, typing at home jobs, data entry jobs and even youtube can make you money. 

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