What health problems do Maine Coons have?

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asked Sep 13, 2020 in Cats by bernd11 (310 points)
What health problems do Maine Coons have?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 13, 2020 by Shawn (99,990 points)
The most common health problem that Maine Coon cats have and are prone too is heart disease.

Maine Coon cats can inherit heart disease from other cats in their family.

The type of heart disease that the Maine Coon cat is prone to and inherits is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Some other health problems that Maine Coon Cats can have are (HCM), hip dysplasia and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). HCM.

Most Maine Coon cats are healthy though but just like any other animal they are prone to some health problems.

Maine Coon cats are not aggressive cats.

In fact a good thing about Maine Coon Cats is that the Maine Coon Cat is known for being the most friendly and affectionate cat there is.

I've never known or been around a Main Coon cat that was ever aggressive or mean.

All the Maine Coon cats I've been around have been very loving, gentle and friendly as well as playful.

But I guess if the Maine Coon cat seemed threatened then the Maine Coon could could be aggressive.

Maine Coon Cats make for very good and friendly pets.

The Maine Coon cat is also great around kids and are a good family pet.

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