What is the sentence for child exploitation?

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asked May 30, 2020 in Law/Ethics by Degalbo (740 points)
What is the sentence for child exploitation?

1 Answer

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answered May 30, 2020 by JXVdobber (500 points)
Committing child exploitation is a serious crime and is punished pretty severely when you're caught and convicted of child exploitation.

If caught and convicted of child exploitation you face up to 15 to 30 years in prison.

If you're a first time offender of child exploitation then you may only face up to 15 years in prison but if you're a second time or third time offender of child exploitation then you can face up to 30 years in prison.

Expect at least 15 years in prison if convicted of child exploitation.

Child Exploitation is very wrong and I personally believe that anyone convicted of child explotation should face life in prison.

Exploiting a child or minor is very wrong.

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