I can not apply for jobs because of social anxiety?

+1 vote
asked Oct 5, 2017 in Mental Health by Kevin009 (130 points)
I can not apply for jobs because of social anxiety?

I need to find a job so I can start paying my bills without relying on my parents. I have severe social anxiety and I can't even bring myself to put in an application for a job online because I have a fear that I will get called to come in for an interview and the interview scares me even more.

I fear I'm gonna go to the interview and just be silent and waste the interviewers and my time even going.

How can I get a job when I have severe social anxiety that's holding me back?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2017 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Sorry to hear you're suffering from social anxiety that can be really crippling.

You might need to make an appointment with a therapist who might be able to help you get through your social anxiety and if you're not on social anxiety medications then they can prescribe you some medication to help with your social anxiety.

It might take some time but keep working at trying to submit those applications or get someone else to fill the online job applications out for you.

If you still can't get a job then it might be possible for you to get on disability payments due to your social anxiety but you'll need a doctor and disability lawyer to fight for your disability payments and prove you need them.

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