Does South Carolina have the death penalty?

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asked Apr 16, 2020 in Law/Ethics by myscratchset (310 points)
Does South Carolina have the death penalty?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 16, 2020 by yh30diper (430 points)
Yes the state of South Carolina does have the death penalty

Since the year of 1976 the state of South Carolina has executed 43 people or prisoners since then.

South Carolina still has the death penalty and it's legal in the state of South Carolina for the law to carry out executions and sentence someone to death.

So you don't want to do anything in South Carolina that could get you on death row as they can and will eventually execute you.

Although when you think about it.

Being executed eventually in prison instead of living years and years until you die in prison would be much better.

Imagine being locked in a cage for 23 hours per day with an hour outside in a cage for recreation for the rest of your life?

That would make you wish you were being executed instead.

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