Are federal judges paid for life?

0 votes
asked Nov 29, 2019 in Law/Ethics by Robertbji (280 points)
Are federal judges paid for life?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 30, 2019 by Adf289 (58,200 points)
When Federal Judges get hired or Voted in they are in the Job for the rest of their life or until they die or retire and cannot be a judge anymore.

There might come a time when a Federal Judge is not able to be a Judge due to health issues such as dementia or when they get into a nursing home.

And in that case the Judge would not be able to perform the Judges duties so someone else would have to take over for them.

But yes a Judge especially a Federal Court Judge is paid for life because they are never fired or laid off the Job so if you get a Judge In office then they will likely remain as a Judge until they decide to retire or die.

It will be hard to get a Judge to leave the Job because they get paid pretty good and they had to go through a lot of schooling to get to be a Judge.

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