Do Inchworms have a purpose?

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asked Sep 17, 2019 in Science by Hayseed098 (310 points)
Do Inchworms have a purpose?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 17, 2019 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Inchworms really are not actually worms but instead an inchworm is a caterpillar.

All insects including inchworms have some sort of purpose here on earth even though it may just seem that the inchworm or other insects are just a nuisance.

Inchworms can eat at leaves and kill of trees so they are considered a nuisance to most people.

Inchworms then eventually turn into geometer moths after they develop a hard shell around them, called pupae, that protects them while they turn into the geometer moths.

Moths and inchworms purpose is to eat leaves on plants but sometimes we do not want the plants leaves to be eaten.

If you have plants around your house that you don't want destroyed then you'll want to get rid of the inchworms and moths.

Moths can also eat clothing which is not good.

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