How long does it take for landlord to evict you?

+1 vote
asked Jun 11, 2019 in Real Estate - Renting by southernilt (320 points)
How long does it take for landlord to evict you?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2019 by Shawn (99,990 points)
When you're renting from a landlord the landlord will usually not start evicting you until you're around 30 days late on your rent payment.

When you get to 30 days past due on your rent then the landlord will usually send you a pay or quit notice and then if you do not pay after that then the landlord can start the eviction process through the court.

Then the court will serve you a summons to appear in court for the eviction process and then you show up at court and plead your case.

But most likely the landlord will win the case against you and then you'll be ordered by the judge to vacate the premises in a certain time period.

If you do not leave the premises on the day you're ordered too then the police will show up at your door to force you out.

The landlord can then change the locks to prevent you from getting back in.

The actual eviction process can take from 1 month to 3 to 4 months from the time the landlord files for eviction and the time you appear in court to be ordered out of the premises.

You can be simply asked to leave the apartment or home you're renting and do so peacefully and not have to appear in court.

But for the landlord to be able to force you out of the premises you're renting and have a lease for then the landlord must take you to court to get you legally out of the premises.

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