Make money online working 4 hours per day?

+1 vote
asked Apr 30, 2019 in Other-Finance by ShronRier (230 points)
Make money online working 4 hours per day?

Is it possible to make money online just working 4 hours per day?

I want to make money online and work no longer than 4 hours per day what can you suggest I do to make money online with just 4 hours of work per day?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 30, 2019 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Making money online working only 4 hours per day is totally possible and there are several ways of working online to make money in just 4 hours of work per day.

You can try starting a Youtube channel and get your channel to enough subscribers by creating good videos that people love.

When you reach enough subscribers you can make good money from monetizing your Youtube videos and when the ads play on your videos you earn money.

Some people earn $200.00 per month and some earn $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 per month and even more when they get their Youtube channel big enough and have enough viewers.

Another way of making money online by working 4 hours per day is to install wordpress on a web host and buy a domain name which will cost you around $50.00 per year for the domain and hosting for the wordpress blog.

Then choose a niche that gets a lot of search traffic and has a high cost per click on ads such as Adsense, or other ad networks.

When you get to 100,000 monthly visitors and above you can start earning good money through Adsense and other ads.

I worked on my blog just 3 hours per day writing blog posts before and after work and after 6 years I was making enough money from my blog to quit my job.

Now I earn way more than my day job ever did and I work less hours.

Sometimes I never log into the blog for a month at a time and then other times I will sit down for a few hours and start typing out a new blog post and sometimes it might take me 3 to 4 days to get the blog post finished by working a few hours per day writing the blog post.

And now that my blog and domain have been online for awhile I can post the blog post and within a few days and sometimes the same day Google will rank it and it will start bringing in search traffic.

So blogging is a great passive income source that can constantly earn you money even without doing much work.

I still make money when I sleep from posts I've worked on years ago but you still must write some great content.

Blogging is a great passive income source if you start your blog now and let it grow overtime.

When your blog is new it can take up to 6 to 9 months to get ranked in Google so don't be discouraged if you're blogging at first but no one is seeing your blog posts.

You'll be working hard in the beginning blogging for hardly anything but years later all that hard work will pay off and bring in passive income even without work.
0 votes
answered May 3, 2020 by GeorgeMills (3,080 points)

There are different ways to make money using the Internet. I advise you to carefully consider the option of working in social networks. Social media service evilmart gives you the opportunity to engage in freelance and take tasks related to social networks. You yourself will determine what task you want to take. It seems to me that this is a very convenient option for part-time work at home.

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