Can you mount a TV without studs?

0 votes
asked Apr 10, 2019 in TV's by puyPrame (320 points)
Can you mount a TV without studs?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 10, 2019 by Avarado (27,970 points)
If the LED TV is a smaller TV then mounting it to the wall without going into the wall studs should be just fine.

But if it's a larger TV as in larger than 21 inches in size then you need to mount the TV to the wall using the wall studs to support the weight of the TV.

You can buy a stud finder and easily find the wall studs behind the wall so you'll know where to drill the holes in the wall.

Then use the anchor bolts that come with the TV wall mounting bracket to mount the TV to the wall.

I would recommend mounting the TV mount and TV to the wall using the studs so that if you want to install a bigger TV on that same TV bracket then you can do so without having to reinstall the TV bracket.

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