How much is the fine for not stopping for a school bus?

+1 vote
asked Mar 22, 2019 in Law Enforcement/Police by Varegirlve (320 points)
How much is the fine for not stopping for a school bus?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 22, 2019 by Niko (18,430 points)
The fine for not stopping for a school bus that has the flashing lights going and the stop sign out will depend on whether it's your first offense or second offense.

The fine for not stopping for a school bus is usually at least $450.00 if it's your first time offense which is pretty expensive.

If it's your second offense of not stopping for a school bus then the fine can go up to $500.00 to even $1,000.00

On top of the fine for the second offense not stopping for a school bus with the stop sign out and the lights flashing can also land you in jail for at least 30 days.

It's very important to stop for a school bus that has it's lights flashing and the stop sign out since they're either picking up students or dropping off students and you could hit those students and potentially injure or kill them.

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