Are there any benefits of having a computer in a bedroom?

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asked Dec 14, 2018 in Desktops by 416yahoi (230 points)
Are there any benefits of having a computer in a bedroom?

Should a computer be kept in your bedroom or should a computer be placed in a separate room of your house?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 14, 2018 by Bheemshall (290 points)
Having a computer in your bedroom allows you to have some privacy since you can lock your bedroom door and avoid distractions or avoid people coming in on you when you're on the computer.

If you live alone then having the computer in your bedroom really serves no other purpose and there's really no benefit to the computer being in the bedroom.

I used to have my computer in my bedroom when living with parents but now that I live alone I have it in the living room because it gives me a chance to leave my bedroom when I wake up and go into another room to use the computer or sit down on the couch and watch Television.

It certainly doesn't hurt to have a computer in the bedroom however if possible I would move the computer out of the bedroom and put it in a separate room.

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