Can bloggers make money without using Google AdSense?

+1 vote
asked Jun 28, 2017 in Google by Megal (150 points)
Can bloggers make money without using Google AdSense?

Can a blogger earn money from blogging without using Google Adsense?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2017 by Niko (18,430 points)
Many bloggers can and do make a living or earn side income without using Adsense.

Bloggers can sell Ebooks they've written, sell direct ad space,use affiliate ads and there are other Ad networks for publishers out there that pay just as good if not better than Adsense if you have the good traffic. is another Alternative to Adsense and lots of big websites earn money through them so they're legit.

You just need quality traffic and majority of your quality traffic should be from USA.

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