How to Rank my Brand New Website on Google

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asked May 1, 2017 in Google by Niko (18,430 points)
How can I get my new website and domain to rank high in googles search results?

1 Answer

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answered May 2, 2017 by Carter3 (12,290 points)

1. Start title tags with your target keyword:

You company/product may be right up on the Google search results page with the appropriate keyword, channeling a huge amount of traffic to your website. On the contrary, a misadvised or inappropriate keyword can make your site’s chance towards prominence more remote than ever.

The title of the article defines its content, and as such, a keyword rich title holds greater weight with Google. In general, the closer the keyword is to the beginning of the title tag, the more weight it has with search engines. You can see this in action by searching for the competitive keyword in Google.

As you can see, most pages that rank for competitive keywords strategically place them at the beginning of their title tags. Although not mandatory, it’s prudent to do so as it will make your website more relevant to what people search for.

2. Drop Keyword in first 100 words:

The ideal place to start putting keywords in an article is within the first 100 words. There are many to whom these come naturally, but a large number of bloggers prefer a long intro before bothering with a keyword. This is inadvisable because of the obvious reasons that Google wouldn’t find it very relevant in the search results.

3. Use Outbound Links:

Outbound links are the primary source of bringing more attention to your website. There are a lot of people who make the mistake of not including links to other websites/articles.

Outbound links show Google that the article is both valid and informative and both are vital requisites for ranking. Therefore, make sure that if you aren’t doing so, add outbound links to each of your articles. Just make sure that the links are relevant enough to your content and from authentic and high-quality sources.

4. Write click-worthy meta descriptions for each page:

Meta descriptions are one of the most important and visible elements - next to your title tag and URL- that convince people to click through.

If you want traffic on your latest article and efficiently on your website, make sure that the meta descriptions are attractive and informative. They should arouse the viewer’s curiosity within the 150-word limit.

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