After reinstalling Windows, Steam won't turn on

0 votes
asked Jul 20, 2022 in Internet by bablsnuser (560 points)
I was using Windows 8 and decided to change it to Windows 10, after which I was faced with the fact that when you start Steam I get a service error steam. What to do in this case? Perhaps it's a matter of reinstalling Windows?
commented Oct 16, 2023 by blaurelena (140 points)
I don't think you need to reinstall Windows just yet—let's try a few other solutions first.
Make sure all your drivers are updated, especially the graphics driver. Sometimes incompatibility can arise from outdated drivers.
Try running Steam as an administrator.
Delete the 'appcache' folder in your Steam directory and then restart Steam. This can solve a lot of issues related to the Steam client.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 20, 2022 by Micolucci (9,560 points)
If your steam is not starting up after chancing to Windows 10 from Windows 8 it could be that you need to update your drivers for steam.

Sometimes updating the drivers or reinstalling the drivers for steam on Windows 10 will fix the issue.

Your Steam client may be having problems because your operating system or drivers are out of date.

You can try updating your system and device drivers and see if this fixes your problems.

How to Repair Steam on Windows 10

    Method 1: Verify Integrity of Game Files.
    Method 2: Refresh Steam Files.
    Method 3: Use Command Prompt to Repair Steam Client.
    Method 4: Use Command Prompt to Modify Settings.
    Method 5: Reinstall Steam.

In most cases, verifying the integrity of the game files fixes the problem with games.

But sometimes, you need to reinstall the Steam Client to fix the problem.

Reinstalling the Steam Client fixes most of the problems but it deletes all the data stored on your local disk.

Many users reported that their Steam game launches but then nothing happens.

Because your antivirus software might block the app, you should temporarily disable it.

To fix this issue, you should always ensure that you're running Steam with admin privileges.
0 votes
answered Oct 18, 2023 by blaurelena (140 points)
I don't think you need to reinstall Windows just yet—let's try a few other solutions first.
Make sure all your drivers are updated, especially the graphics driver. Sometimes incompatibility can arise from outdated drivers.
Try running Steam as an administrator.
Delete the 'appcache' folder in your Steam directory and then restart Steam. This can solve a lot of issues related to the Steam client.
If you've already tried these or if they don't work, you might want to consider an even further upgrade. It might sound a bit forward, but Windows 11 Pro from has a lot of compatibility and performance improvements that might help with the problems you're facing. Plus, newer versions tend to get better support and patches for various issues.

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