Can a city code enforcement officer enter my property without permission?

+1 vote
asked Mar 14, 2018 in Law Enforcement/Police by Minty (132,850 points)
Can a city code enforcement officer enter my property without permission?

This afternoon a city code enforcement officer came up onto my property and was walking around my yard taking pictures.

He said I can't stop him from coming onto my property and he doesn't need permission?

I thought they needed permission to come onto peoples properties?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2018 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
edited Mar 14, 2018 by Mechanic21
Just like any other law enforcement officer a code enforcement officer has no right to enter your property or step on your land without your permission.

If you told him to leave he should've left your property or he was trespassing on your land.

A code enforcement officer has to get a warrant to come onto your property without your permission just like a regular officer has to get a warrant.

You can just as easily tell a regular police officer or even sheriff to get off your property if they don't have a warrant.

That code enforcement officer Violated your rights when he came onto your property and didn't leave when you told him too.

Check on your cities website if they have a website and look in the code enforcement section and it will usually state on the website that a code enforcement officer can't come on your property to take pictures without getting permission from you to be on your land.

A code enforcement officer can't even take pictures over a fence if you have one.

The pictures must be taken from the street or sidewalk and they can't enter your land to get the pictures.

I've had some city officials and city attorney's tell me at meetings in some towns that code enforcement can come onto property without permission but the city attorney and other city officials are lying straight up just to try and scare you into thinking they can do what they want.

They cannot come onto your property without permission no matter if they say they can. They can't do whatever they want to do.

Even state officials need permission to come onto your land. Anyone can be charged with trespassing on your land even police, Sheriff, State Officials, and even code enforcement.

They are not above the law and next time call the police on him. I had a code enforcement officer arrested for trespassing on my land so it can be done.

Put up no trespassing signs so you'll be more successful in getting the code enforcement arrested.

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