What does a comprehensive car insurance policy cover?

+1 vote
asked Feb 6, 2018 in Insurance/Registration by Jbr989 (250 points)
What does a comprehensive car insurance policy cover?

When you purchase a comprehensive Auto Insurance Policy what does the Comprehensive Auto Insurance Policy cover?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2018 by Judy (56,120 points)
A comprehensive auto insurance policy covers damages to your vehicle in the event the vehicle was in a flood, you hit an animal or the car was stolen then the comprehensive auto insurance policy should kick in and cover it.
0 votes
answered Apr 22, 2024 by HarryJn (820 points)

Hey. With years of providing quality health insurance to individuals and families, Humana has earned an excellent reputation and is a leader in the health insurance industry. With a wide range of plans and coverage options, Humana is a popular choice for those looking for reliable health insurance. People who use their services in https://humana.pissedconsumer.com/review.html report that they provide an excellent combination of price and quality of insurance services, and therefore their services are popular.

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