How do you find the sample standard deviation of a data set?

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asked Feb 15, 2023 in Current Events by marryjames (120 points)

The process for calculating is as follows:

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  • Identify the data set's mean.
  • Every statistic's value should have the mean subtracted, and then the differences should be noted.
  • Each different from the stage before should be squared, and the squares should be noted
  • Multiply each number by itself, to put it another way.
  • Dealing with the negatives with caution. A positive can be made from two negatives.
    • Take the squares from the previous step and add them all together.
    • Add up all of the statistics' starting values and subtract one.
    • Calculate the stage five figure by dividing the stage four total by that number.
    • Figure's square root to continue from the previous step. Let's use the standard deviation.
  • Getting the square root is simple and can be done with a calculator.
  • Using significant figures when rounding the final response is crucial.

1 Answer

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